We invite you to the Thanksgiving Potluck on Sunday, November 11 in the Fellowship Hall following the 10am service! SHBC will provide cooked turkey, gravy and rolls.

Please sign-up/register now (or on a Connection Card on Sunday morning) to bring potatoes, salad, veggies, dressing and/or desserts to feed 10-12 people.
* Single? Please bring one food item.
* Family of two or more? Please bring two food items.

The potluck is a great opportunity to invite a guest, friend, co-worker or neighbor to eat a meal with you. If you see someone sitting next to you that you do not know on a Sunday morning, invite them to sit with you at the potluck.

Do not let bringing food keep you from coming (sign-up only if you are bringing something). We would love to have you.

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