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Song Lyrics

Come, People of the Risen King

Come, people of the risen King

who delight to bring Him praise.

Come all, and tune your hearts to sing

to the Morning Star of grace.

From the shifting shadows of the earth

we will lift our eyes to Him,

Where steady arms of mercy reach

to gather children in.


Rejoice! Rejoice! Let ev’ry tongue rejoice!

One heart, one voice;

O Church of Christ, rejoice!


Come, those whose joy is morning sun,

and those weeping through the night.

Come those who tell of battles won,

and those struggling in the fight.

For His perfect love will never change,

and His mercies never cease,

But follow us through all our days

with the certain hope of peace.


Come, young and old from ev’ry land,

men and women of the faith;

Come, those with full or empty hands,

find the riches of His grace.

Over all the world His people sing,

shore to shore we hear them call,

The Truth that cries through ev’ry age,

“Our God is all in all.”


King of Heaven

Jesus, let Your kingdom come here,

Let Your will be done here in us.

Jesus, there is no one greater,

You alone are Savior.

Show the world Your love.


King of heaven, come down.

King of heaven, come now.

Let Your glory reign

Shining like the day,

King of heaven, come.


King of heaven rise up.

Who can stand against us?

You are strong to save,

In Your mighty name,

King of heaven, come.


We are children of Your mercy,

Rescued for Your glory, we cry

“Jesus, set our hearts towards You,

That every eye would see You lifted high!”


King of heaven, come.

King of heaven, come.


By Faith

By faith we see the hand of God

In the light of creation’s grand design

In the lives of those

who prove His faithfulness

Who walk by faith and not by sight


By faith our fathers roamed the earth

With the power of His promise in their hearts

Of a holy city built by God’s own hand

A place where peace and justice reign


We will stand as children of the promise

We will fix our eyes on Him our soul’s reward

Till the race is finished and the work is done

We’ll walk by faith and not by sight


By faith the prophets saw a day

When the longed‐for Messiah would appear

With the power to break

the chains of sin and death

And rise triumphant from the grave


By faith the church was called to go

In the power of the Spirit to the lost

To deliver captives and to preach good news

In every corner of the earth


By faith this mountain shall be moved

And the power of the gospel shall prevail

For we know in Christ all things are possible

For all who call upon His name


Only a Holy God

Who else commands all the hosts of heaven

Who else could make every king bow down

Who else can whisper and darkness trembles

Only a Holy God


What other beauty demands such praises

What other splendour outshines the sun

What other majesty rules with justice

Only a Holy God


Come and behold Him

The One and the Only

Cry out sing holy

Forever a Holy God

Come and worship the Holy God


What other glory consumes like fire

What other power can raise the dead

What other name remains undefeated

Only a Holy God


Who else could rescue me from my failing

Who else would offer His only Son

Who else invites me to call Him Father

Only a Holy God

Only my Holy God


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