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Praise is rising, eyes are turning to You

We turn to You

Hope is stirring,

hearts are yearning for you

We long for you


’Cause when we see You,

we find strength to face the day

In your presence all our fears are washed away, washed away


Hosanna, hosanna

You are God Who saves us

Worthy of all our praises;

Hosanna, hosanna

come have Your way among us

We welcome You here, Lord Jesus


Hear the sound of hearts returning to You

We turn to You

In Your kingdom

broken lives are made new

You make us new


I Need Thee Every Hour

I need Thee ev’ry hour

Most gracious Lord

No tender voice like Thine

Can peace afford


I need Thee, O I need Thee

Ev’ry hour I need Thee

O bless me now, my Savior

I come to Thee


I need Thee ev’ry hour

Stay Thou nearby

Temptations lose their pow’r

When Thou art nigh


I need Thee ev’ry hour

In joy or pain

Come quickly and abide

Or life is vain


I need Thee ev’ry hour

Teach me Thy will

And Thy rich promises

In me fulfill.


Who You Say I Am

Who am I that the highest King
Would welcome me?
I was lost but He brought me in
Oh His love for me
Oh His love for me


Who the Son sets free
Oh is free indeed
I’m a child of God
Yes I am


Free at last, He has ransomed me
His grace runs deep
While I was a slave to sin
Jesus died for me
Yes He died for me


Who the Son sets free
Oh is free indeed
I’m a child of God
Yes I am

In my Father’s house
There’s a place for me
I’m a child of God
Yes I am


I am chosen, not forsaken
I am who You say I am
You are for me not against me
I am who You say I am


Speak, O Lord

Speak, O Lord, as we come to You

To receive the food of Your Holy Word.

Take Your truth, plant it deep in us;

Shape and fashion us in Your likeness,

That the light of Christ

might be seen today

In our acts of love and our deeds of faith.

Speak, O Lord, and fulfill in us

All Your purposes for Your glory.


Teach us, Lord, full obedience,

Holy reverence, true humility;

Test our thoughts and our attitudes

In the radiance of Your purity.

Cause our faith to rise;

cause our eyes to see

Your majestic love and authority.

Words of pow’r that can never fail—

Let their truth prevail over unbelief.


Speak, O Lord, and renew our minds;

Help us grasp the heights

of Your plans for us—

Truths unchanged from the dawn of time

That will echo down through eternity.

And by grace we’ll stand

on Your promises,

And by faith we’ll walk

as You walk with us.

Speak, O Lord, till Your church is built

And the earth is filled with Your glory.


Christ Is Mine Forevermore

Mine are days that God has numbered

I was made to walk with Him

Yet I look for worldly treasure

And forsake the King of kings

But mine is hope in my Redeemer

Though I fall His love is sure

For Christ has paid for every failing

I am His forevermore


Mine are tears in times of sorrow

Darkness not yet understood

Through the valley I must travel

Where I see no earthly good

But mine is peace that flows from heaven

And the strength in times of need

I know my pain will not be wasted

Christ completes His work in me


Mine are days here as a stranger

Pilgrim on a narrow way

One with Christ I will encounter

Harm and hatred for His name

But mine is armour for this battle

Strong enough to last the war

And He has said He will deliver

Safely to the golden shore


And mine are keys to Zion city

Where beside the King I walk

For there my heart has found its treasure

Christ is mine forevermore


Come rejoice now O my soul

For His love is my reward

Fear is gone and hope is sure

Christ is mine forevermore






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