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Revelation Song

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain;

Holy, holy is He.

Sing a new song to Him who sits on

Heaven’s mercy seat.


Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty

Who was and is and is to come.

With all creation I sing,

“Praise to the King of kings!

You are my everything, and I will adore You.”


Clothed in rainbows of living color,

Flashes of lightning, rolls of thunder.

Blessing and honor,

strength and glory and power be

To You, the only wise King.


Filled with wonder, awestruck wonder

At the mention of Your name.

Jesus, Your name is power,

breath and living water:

Such a marvelous mystery.


Immortal, Invisible

Immortal, invisible, God only wise,

In light inaccessible, hid from our eyes

Most blessed most glorious

The Ancient of Days

Almighty victorious

Thy great name we praise


Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light

Nor wanting, nor wasting,

Thou rulest in might

Thy justice, like mountains

High soaring above

Thy clouds which are fountains

Of goodness and love


Most blessed Lord,

Most glorious One!

Most blessed Lord,

Most glorious One!


To all life Thou givest

To both great and small

In all life Thou livest

The true life of all

We blossom and flourish

As leaves on the tree

And wither and perish

But naught changeth Thee


Great father of Glory

Pure Father of Light

Thine angels adore Thee

All veiling their sight

All praise we would render

Oh help us to see

‘Tis only the splendor

Of light hideth Thee


God You Reign

You paint the night,

You count the stars

and You call them by name.

The skies proclaim, “God You reign”.

Your glory shines,

You teach the sun when to bring a new day.

Creation sings, “God You reign”.


God You reign, God You reign.

Forever and ever, God You reign.


You part the seas,

You move the mountains

with the words that You say.

My song remains, “God You reign.”

You hold my life,

You know my heart and You call me by name.

I live to say, “God You reign.”


Hallelujah, hallelu!

Hallelujah, hallelu!

Hallelujah, hallelu!

Hallelujah, hallelu!


We Will Dance

Sing a song of celebration

Lift up a shout of praise

For the Bridegroom will come,

The glorious One

And oh, we will look on His face

We’ll go to a much better place


Dance with all your might

Lift up your hands and clap for joy

The time’s drawing near

When He will appear

And oh, we’ll stand by His side

A strong, pure spotless bride


We will dance on the streets that are golden

The glorious bride and the great Son of man

From every tongue and tribe and nation

Will join in the song of the Lamb


Sing aloud for the time of rejoicing is near

(Sing aloud for the time of rejoicing is near)

The risen king, our groom is soon to appear

(The risen king, our groom is soon to appear)

The wedding feast to come

is now near at hand

(The wedding feast to come

is now near at hand)

Lift up your voice proclaim the coming Lamb

(Lift up your voice proclaim the Lamb)



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