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God My Rock

When my heart is overwhelmed

I will look to You alone

God my rock, God my rock, God my rock

You will stand when others fall

You are faithful through it all

God my rock, God my rock, God my rock


In the blessing in the pain

Through it all You’ve never failed me


You are the strength of my heart

You are the strength of my heart

I can rely on You

I can rely on You


When I’ve struggled to believe

You have not let go of me

God my rock, God my rock, God my rock

Carried through the darkest storms

You have held me in Your arms

God my rock, God my rock, God my rock


You are the joy of my life

You are my song in the night

There is no one as true

Jesus I trust in You


Jesus we trust in You

Jesus we trust in You

Jesus we trust in You

Jesus we trust in You, God!


Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)

All these pieces broken and scattered,

In mercy gathered, mended and whole.

Empty handed but not forsaken.

I’ve been set free, I’ve been set free.


Amazing grace!

How sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me!

I once was lost

But now am found,

Was blind but now I see.


Oh, I can see You now.

Oh, I can see the love in Your eyes,

Laying Yourself down,

Raising up the broken to life.


You take our failure, You take our weakness.

You set Your treasure in jars of clay.

So, take this heart, Lord, I’ll be Your vessel.

The world to see Your life in me.


Love Ran Red – At the Cross

There’s a place

where mercy reigns and never dies.

There’s a place

where streams of grace

flow deep and wide.

Where all the love

I’ve ever found comes like a flood,

Comes flowing down.


At the cross, at the cross I surrender my life,

I’m in awe of You, I’m in awe of You.

Where Your love ran red

and my sin washed white.

I owe all to You, I owe all to You, Jesus.


There’s a place

where sin and shame are powerless.

There my heart

has peace with God and forgiveness.

Where all the love

I’ve ever found comes like a flood,

Comes flowing down.


Here my hope is found,

here on holy ground.

Here I bow down, here I bow down.

Here, arms open wide,

here You saved my life.

Here I bow down, here I bow.


Behold the Lamb (Communion Hymn)

Behold the Lamb who bears our sins away

Slain for us: and we remember

The promise made that all who come in faith

Find forgiveness at the cross

So we share in this Bread of life

And we drink of His sacrifice

As a sign of our bonds of peace

Around the table of the King


The body of our Savior, Jesus Christ

Torn for you: eat and remember

The wounds that heal,

the death that brings us life

Paid the price to make us one

So we share in this Bread of life

And we drink of His sacrifice

As a sign of our bonds of love

Around the table of the King


The blood that cleanses every stain of sin

Shed for you: drink and remember

He drained death’s cup that all may enter in

To receive the life of God

So we share in this Bread of life

And we drink of His sacrifice

As a sign of our bonds of grace

Around the table of the King


And so with thankfulness and faith

We rise to respond: and to remember

Our call to follow in the steps of Christ

As His body here on earth

As we share in His suffering

We proclaim: Christ will come again

And we’ll join in the feast of heaven

Around the table of the King




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