Hot, cold or lukewarm?

The question before the church at Laodecia and the question before us is this. “Will you be hot, cold or stay lukewarm regarding your relationship with Jesus and the people he came to save?”

It’s easy enough for us to think about what it means to be “hot” in our spiritual temperature. Christ desires us to be hot, white-hot, in our affections towards him and our love for the world of men and women he died for.

It’s desperately bad to be lukewarm. Jesus promises to spit the lukewarm church, the lukewarm Christian out of his mouth. Or is that what he means? But what about cold? Can we be cold towards Christ? What is the meaning to this puzzling statement?

Pastor John Underhill deals with all these questions as our series through the Seven Churches in Revelation 2 and 3 continues.




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