Acronyms are fun, right?

Well, they may not be fun, but I enjoy trying to figure out what the letters stand for.

In this case, “EPHSS” stands for “Essential Psalms, Hymns, (and) Spiritual Songs.” This is our worship initiative for 2019. Each month we are highlighting a Psalm, an older hymn and a newer song to help us in our worship.

We provide a Psalm bookmark and a hymn sheet for you to take with you. We hope you will use these in your private times of worship. During various Sunday services we will highlight the songs by singing them as well as giving a little background.

February 2019

For the month of February, our Psalm is Psalm 32. This great poem of praise extols the virtues and benefits of the confession of sin. In Derek Kidner’s wonderful commentary on the Psalms, he says, “To be in close accord with God is true happiness: this is the constant theme of the psalm…”*

Our hymn of the month is “The Love of God.” In a contemporary society so disoriented and confused about the true nature of love, this hymn calls us back to the love that reigns supreme.

“How Deep the Father’s Love for Us”  is the new(er) song of worship. This Christ-centered and cross-centered song of God’s love for us (John 3:16, Romans 5:8) has become an integral part of the contemporary Christian liturgy of worship, especially relevant to be sung during communion.

This Sunday

We will have the new Psalm bookmarks and hymn sheets out and available for pickup. If we run out, we will print anew during the week and have available again the following Sunday.

*Kidner, D. (1973). Psalms 1–72: an introduction and commentary (Vol. 15, p. 150). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
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