We’re going to celebrate communion together this Sunday. Be thinking about how you will do that at home. Our children’s ministry director, Teresa, shared this story and recipe. Maybe you could try it? The picture is of the completed communion bread.
“In anticipation of not being able to be physically present at the church for Communion Sunday, William and I made Communion bread at home! The recipe came from one of my Mother’s old cookbooks entitled “Granddaughter’s Inglenook Cookbook.” The recipe was so old that it called for baking in a “Moderate oven” (no degree stated) and did not give a length of time but rather said “Bake until done.” We adapted the original recipe downwards as it would make enough for a small church!
Here is the adapted recipe which made about 50 pieces of Communion bread:

2 cups flour
1/3 tsp. granulated sugar
5 1/3 Tb. butter, softened
2/3 cups milk

Mix flour and sugar and work in the butter as for pastry. Add milk and mix well. Roll out and place on a baking sheet;. Cut in strips about 1″ x 1″and prick each section several times with a fork. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes.
In God’s Love,
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