About this message

In 2003, I heard a message on prayer that revolutionized my approach. It was given by Pastor John Piper at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As often as I can, I recommend this to people seeking to grow in their devotion to prayer. Here is a direct link to the page at Desiring God where you can listen to the original and read a transcript: https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/be-devoted-to-prayer 

When Pastor John Underhill gave me liberty to preach on a topic of my choosing, I immediately settled on this topic of prayer. I then thought that it would be most helpful to share this message, in an edited and abbreviated form with SHBC. I fully intended to give this “disclosure” at the beginning of my message yesterday (07/15), but time constraints prevented such.

Other links

Here is the link to the Prayers of Paul that I mentioned in the message: Prayers of Paul

I mentioned the book, “Operation World”. This is the Amazon link for it: Operation World

Another book I mentioned was “Extreme Devotion: The Voice of the Martyrs”. Here is a link for it: Extreme Devotion

“Let the Nations Be Glad”

“Valley of Vision”


Message Audio


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