Vision Expansion

Vision 2020

In July of 2014, it was decided by the leadership at South Hill Bible Church to pay off all debts. Thus was the inception of Snowball Sundays, an offering above weekly giving, on every fifth Sunday. In April of 2017, this endeavor came to an end when the debt was retired and SHBC became a debt-free church.

Today, Vision Sundays take the place of Snowball Sundays. These Sundays emphasize the funding of plans for church expansion in one of four categories of our mission to WIN, BUILD, SEND.

Vision 2020 is a detailed outline listing these potential plans over the next few years.

Audio/Visual Upgrade Progress

Parking Lot Repair/Replacement

  • Current mission statement summary at SHBC is Win, Build, Send.
  • Transformation into the image of Christ enables us to:
  • WIN people back from death and embrace them into His Church.
  • BUILD the church up through study of God’s Word, and activities driven by Christ’s work in us.
  • SEND ourselves out from the church to provide a winsome and resolute reflection of
    Jesus to a desperate world.
Discipleship Growth

The ministries and activities that develop spiritual transformation of the SHBC community. (WIN, BUILD)

  1. Recovery Discipleship – encouragement and accountability to stand against sin and addiction. (eg. Food, Substance, Sexual Sin, etc.)
  2. Child & Youth Leadership Development – providing leadership opportunities for children and teens. Possibly vocational coaching for teens and young adults.
  3. Mentorship Opportunities – facilitating mentoring relationships for all ages. (eg. Titus 2…older women mentoring younger women is already going on.)
  4. Fellowship Group Program Expansion – continue to develop and support small group fellowship. (Both dedicated fellowship groups and ministry team small groups.)
  5. Connections Ministry – guiding guests from first visit to the deepest parts of church life. (eg. Guest Reception, Visitation, Follow-up Cards, etc.)
  6. Church Communication – improve how communication is provided (eg. Quarterly Updates)
  7. Security Ministry – peaceful preparedness for the possibility of danger to people at our facility.
  8. Ministry Staff Expansion – possibly adding additional ministry staff to develop and recruit for these discipleship growth opportunities.
Missions Expansion

Increased investment in missions, through our immediate church body, and through full-time missionary partners. (SEND)

  1. Supplemental Missionary Project Funding – dedicating occasional 5th Sunday offerings to support specialty project requests from our full time missionary partners.
  2. Targeted People Group Outreach – selecting a specific people group and evangelism goal, to be supported till that goal is completed. (possibly 10 – 20-year commitment, eg. Church planting, or Bible translation.)
  3. Evangelism Training – providing ongoing encouragement and training in evangelism, for all who attend SHBC.
Facility & Infrastructure Expansion

Development of church facilities in support of what God is doing through SHBC in this community. (WIN, BUILD)

  1. Fellowship Hall Roof Repair
    • $27,116.22
  2. Church Parking
    • Phase 1 (East Side Parking – Selective Patching) – $51,615.26
    • Phase 2 (West Side Parking & Full-lot Paving) – $125,792.36
    • Phase 3 (Adjacent Lots Purchase) – $120,000
    • Phase 4 (29th Access) – $52,109.74
    • Phase 5 (New Lot Parking & Mission Field Update) – $220,000
  3. Church Audio & Visual
    • Sanctuary Audio (Phase 1) – $10,825
    • Fellowship Hall Video (Phase 2) – $10,000
    • Sanctuary Video – $15,000
    • Fellowship Hall Audio – $13,000
    • Sanctuary Audio (Phase 3) – $37,000
  4. Entry-way expansion – enclose covered area on west side entrance to expand gathering space.
  5. Foyer modernization and renovation
  6. Exterior & Interior Painting
  7. Worship Gathering Space Expansion
  • Replace pews with individual chairs (fire safety and potentially increase seating)?
  • Expand sanctuary into current office space (move offices into mission house)?
Church Body Expansion

Considering growth in our Sunday morning gathering, and seeking guidance in how this might be facilitated. (WIN, BUILD)

  1. Additional Worship Service Times
  • Current plan – continue to grow in Fellowship Hall. When consistently over 100 people there, then consider expanding to a 2nd Service
  1. Church Planting
  • New Location in Different Part of Spokane?
  • New Location in Perry District by Grant Elementary School
  1. Alternative Service – a separate worship service focused on a different group of people. Meeting on Friday, Saturday or Sunday evening.
  • Transformation into image of Christ empowers our ability to WIN, BUILD, SEND.
  • It enables us to look forward with clear vision, and hope for the future!
  • PRAY that God will guide and direct all of us as we clarify His vision for our future.
  • How would He have us use our time and resources, as a small part of His Church?
  • If you interested in being involved in any of these areas of expansion and growth, please let us know by contacting us.
  • If you have questions or thoughts, please contact one of the elders or pastors.