Meet Our Team



As a pastor’s son, John Underhill brings to South Hill Bible Church a rich family heritage in church ministry. Building on his Dallas Seminary education, his preaching and teaching bear the marks of his pastor’s heart and a genuine love for people. With a passion to see the glory of Christ made known among all nations, he has taught for Perspectives on the World Christian Movement and has challenged others with his enthusiasm for global missions.

Pastor John has been blessed to serve at South Hill Bible Church since August 2011. Serving for over three decades in Spokane, Washington, John and his wife, Carolyn, have three adult children. John is a runner and loves reading.



Born in Spokane in 1981 and raised here, Andrew Stachofsky is an LC Tiger, loves the Zags, and is a Frontline Youth Ministry graduate himself. Blessed by God with godly parents, he came to know the Lord at a young age, and continued to grow in his faith as he grew older. His faith truly became his own while attending the Teen Jam Youth Conference in Ellensberg when he was a sophomore in high school at Lewis and Clark.

After 2 years at Eastern Washington University, he attended His Hill Bible School in Comfort, Texas for one year, where God revealed to him what the Christian life is all about: Christ in us.

Upon returning to Spokane, Andrew finished at EWU with a degree in Secondary Education. During those years at EWU, God directed him to become further involved with the youth at South Hill Bible Church where he has been blessed to serve since May of 2006. Andrew is passionate to see teens not only be saved from their sins, but to experience the great adventure of the abundant Christian life.

Since April 2008, he has been blessed beyond all he deserves with his beautiful wife, Koola, and three daughters.



Brad Pearson came to saving faith in Christ in June of 1996, after many years of rebellion and anger against God. He had struggled with depression for many years; in fact, it was this life and death struggle with debilitating depression that drove Brad into the arms of his Savior. He had heard the Gospel many times, having grown up in a Southern Baptist church in Mississippi, and even made a profession of faith at age 8. But when the testing time came, he had failed the test – he was not a follower of Christ. In all of Brad’s years of rebellion, the Lord preserved his life and was mercifully patient with him. When he was broken beyond any hope, He restored Brad’s soul. He gave Brad new life in Christ! It is his joy now to serve the Lord in his life and ministry.

Today, Brad continues to grow in Him, finding more to love each day. Being saved out of depression has given Brad many opportunities to counsel others with similar struggles. Brad joined the staff at South Hill Bible Church in 2015. In His mercy, Brad has been given a wonderful family – a faithful wife and three beautiful daughters.