Category: Vision

Vision 2024

Here is a brief summary of our vision direction here at South Hill Bible Church. Download by clicking the...

Vision 2024

What is Vision Sunday? Vision 2020? How do I give toward SHBC expansion projects?

This Sunday is Vision Sunday, a fifth Sunday with a special offering above weekly giving to fund SHBC exp...

What is Vision Sunday? Vision 2020? How do I give toward SHBC expansion projects?

Vision 2020 – A Word from the Elders

This past Sunday, July 23, Elder Board Chairman Mike Roth shared with the congregation an update on the c...

Vision 2020 – A Word from the Elders

What is Vision 2020?

In July of 2014, it was decided by the leadership at South Hill Bible Church to pay off all debt. Thus wa...

What is Vision 2020?