Bible Classes

At South Hill Bible Church, we offer a variety of Bible Classes for all ages. All Bible classes meet at 8:45am on Sunday mornings.

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Classes

Located in the Fellowship Hall

Starting Sunday, January 26th, Chet Roshetko will be leading the class through the book of Jonah. This series will run through Sunday, March 23rd.

HomeBuilders Located in Rooms 203-204
HomeBuilders Located in Rooms 203-204

Beginning Sunday, March 2nd at 9:00am.*

Are you busy, tired, stressed out and stretched to the limit? Are you running long on “to-do’s” and short on time? This series isn’t about cliches or quick fixes, just practical biblical insights to help you order your personal world.

*This class starts at 9:00am to allow extra time for parents to drop their kids off in children’s classes.

GraceNotes Located in Room 213
GraceNotes Located in Room 213

If you are a woman who attends church alone, come join Carolyn Underhill for fellowship and Bible study.

Junior High and High School Classes Located in the West Wing
Junior High and High School Classes Located in the West Wing

Make your way across the parking lot in the West Wing to fellowship and learn under Pastor Andrew.

Children’s Bible Classes (Sept – June)
Children’s Bible Classes (Sept – June)

Parents & grandparents are always welcome to sit in on classes with their children.

Nursery (0-2 years) Available for Parental Use
Room 101-102

Toddlers (2-5 years)
Room 103

Grades K-2
Room 205

Grades 3-6
Room 201

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