Praise God, after 14 hours of travel, we have arrived safely and with all our luggage to Guatemala and are now settling in at Casa Aleluya! Curious to know more about Casa? Follow this link:

We’ve eaten breakfast, received a tour of the 14-acre property, and now are resting until lunchtime. Not sure yet what the rest of today brings.

Thank you from all of us for sending us with your prayer support, financial support and LOVE. Truly the body of Christ is amazing! The hundreds who have invested in the 16 individuals that were sent is an incredible display to all of us.

Ways to pray:

  1. Open hearts to God molding and shaping us.
  2. Attitudes of availability to Him.
  3. Servant hearts to love each other and put other first.
  4. Boldness to build relationships and connect with the kids at Casa.
  5. Rest. We are recovering from basically an all-nighter. 🙂

We come with great expectations of what the Lord has planned!

~Pastor Andrew
